
What are the costs?

Coming to Travel Health Plus works a bit like going to a regular GP. The initial consultation fee is partially rebateable through Medicare (~$60 gap for most), with no out of pocket expense for children under 16 and veterans. Students and pensioners will be charged a discounted fee. ($20-$25 gap).

Subsequent visits with the Doctor for the same trip are fully rebateable. (no gap), otherwise a nurse consult fee of $20 may apply.

Vaccines and medications for travel are not covered or subsidised by the government and therefore not covered by Medicare, so even health care card holders and pensioners would pay full price at a pharmacy.

Vaccines vary widely in price from $0-$285, depending on which type. Most cost between $40 & $75 each.

Some veterans are eligible for subsidised vaccines and we do of course have some Health Department provided free vaccines for those eligible (ie childhood immunisations, influenza for the elderly).

Travelling for work? Medicare won’t cover the cost of your consultation if it’s for work purposes. If your employer won’t cover the costs, speak to your accountant about eligibility to claim at tax time.

Medicals costs as follows;
• Commercial Diving $286
• OEUK (formally OGUK) $297
• Aviation $165-$275
• Recreational Diving $165

If you have any other questions about fees please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly staff via email to reception@travelhealthplus.com.au