Diving Medicals

Whether you are diving for work or play, Travel Health Plus is the place to come for a pre or post dive health check.


  • Recreational Diving Checks

    Not everyone diving for recreational reasons needs to have a medical prior to undertaking the scuba course, but be aware there are conditions, illnesses and injuries that can mean diving may not be a suitable sport for you. Your diving school/facilitator will let you know if you need to see a diving doctor to be certified fit to dive. If you are a regular scuba diver and have had a significant change in your health, our advice is to discuss the implications with someone who is trained in scuba medicine, prior to your next dive.

  • Commercial Diving AS/NZ2299.1 Sup:2015

    Travel Health Plus director Dr David Rutherford is a highly experienced commercial diving doctor and diver and is on the Pearling Industry approved providers list. With the addition of Dr Christopher Rynn to our team (also a keen diver), we are now able to offer commercial diving health services Tuesday to Thursday. Both of our doctors completed their advanced medical officers course at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia and can be found on the IMCA diving practitioner list.


Now it’s time to put yourself in the hands of experts. Let our friendly and knowledgeable staff guide you through the next part of your journey.

To find out more