
South Korea Winter Olympics 2018

In February and March of 2018 the Winter Olympics and Paralympic games are being held in South Korea. If you are lucky enough to be attending, either as an athlete or a spectator it’s not too early to start thinking about staying healthy whilst away.

Whenever large groups of people from around the world gather together there is always an increased potential for diseases to flourish. All international travellers should make sure they are up to date with routine vaccines such as tetanus, measles and whooping cough, for which adults often require a booster. It will be peak influenza season in South Korea so the flu vaccine is definitely recommended. With large crowds expected there is more risk of airborne disease than you would be exposed to at home. Be aware that flu vaccines may be difficult to source between January and March, so worth getting one before the end of December. Hepatitis A vaccination is also recommended, and for some also Hepatitis B (the latter is now part of the childhood schedule so depending on your age you may already be immunised).